Oscar and Tootsie's Hot Dog Blog started out as a simple family doggy blog, as well as a place to practice my own warped sense of humor. It's morphed several times over the past approximately two years. First, we added Jimmy Dean (the Singing Dachshund) to the family dog pound. Then the blog became much more of a vehicle to voice my economic and political views. Now it's about to change again with the addition to the extended family of our first grandchild. Mo and Jon's due date is just a week away! (Her name still remains a closely guarded secret; I guarantee that it is not some silly take-off on candy or sausage brand names).
Zenny has been busy snatching up all the clothing and toys that Baby may want to possess at any time during the next 18 years. I had to work very hard to convince her that the electronic cash register (for ages 4 and above) will probably be obsolete by the time Baby is ready to enjoy it. Delaying Zenny's idea for purchase of Baby's high school prom dress was an easier case to make.
Fortunately, I've found something for Baby - very relevant and useful - that could be used immediately. The only problem is that the iPoo'd Electronic Diaper does not yet exist. But it could be right around the corner.
haha! We request that the first App you develop for the iPood be a self-cleaning diaper App. Or, better yet, a GPS tracking App to locate her grandparents at diaper changing time.