Sunday, May 13, 2018

In my travels I have thoroughly enjoyed visiting beautiful, historic Catholic churches and cathedrals around the world. We're talking Boston, New York City, St. Augustine FL, San Diego, San Francisco, San Juan PR, Mexico City, Manila, Brisbane, Montreal, New Orleans, and more. In my future travels I will actively seek them out in Europe and Central and South America. 

But I have noticed that the naming of Catholic churches, parishes, and cathedrals seems to be a challenge. There are so many repeats! How do we keep them all straight? For one thing, there are so many Catholic churches that include the names of saints:  St. John, St. Mark, St. Catherine, St. This, St. That. Clearly, there are too many churches and not enough saints. Not all names include the names of saints, though. But there's still a lot of repetition. 

I have a solution. I propose the following name suggestions in order to enrich and add variety to the naming of Catholic churches. 

Disclaimer:  I truly mean no disrespect. Just for fun.

Our Lady of The Glutinous Communion
The Indecisive Blessings Catholic Parish
Cathedral of The Indentured Messiah
Church of The Presumptive Baptism
Basilica of The Obstinate Virgin
Our Lady of Holy Repudiations
The Divine Subterfuge Catholic Parish
Cathedral of The Endemic Sacrament
Church of The Conspicuous Redeemer
Basilica of The Eternal Contradictions
Our Lady of Glorified Conflagration
The Cantankerous Prayers Catholic Parish
Cathedral of The Immaculate Assumptions
Church of The Conflated Salvation
Basilica of The Eternal Obfuscation
Our Lady of Capricious Servitude
The Dubious Redemption Catholic Parish
Cathedral of The Deceptive Conception
Church of Extravagant Incantations 
Basilica of The Immaculate Contraception

Your submissions welcome!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Memory's Ship by Harry Leslie St. Clair

Harry Leslie St. Clair, my great grandfather (Mom's Mom's dad), published a short book of poetry in 1922. I stumbled on it by accident while looking online for information about him. 

Memory's Ship
I'm master of a wondrous ship
    That sails a silent sea;
I've steered her course on many a trip --
     A phantom ship is she.
Where'er I choose in thought to rest,
     And view the scenes of yore,
I'm borne in safety on my quest
     To the desired shore.

In memory's ship I touch again
     The shores of childhood's joy.
The world as one big playhouse then
     Seemed made to charm a boy;
When curiosity was keen
     And every sense alert,
E'er sorrow's night had come between
     Or sin had left its hurt.

In memory's ship I sail away
     To lands I've known before,
Where friendship's joys made glad the day
     And love-light kissed the shore.
Where starlit skies and summer's breeze
     Were like an angel's court,
And kindred souls oft met at ease --
     I linger at this port.

When heart is weary and needs rest,
     I seek a distant shrine,
Where last a mother's lips impressed
     A kiss of love on mine;
Where first I breathed a humble prayer
     And answering peace was given,
My good ship memory takes me there --
     To me the gate of heaven.